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EntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollection - члены Смотри также  Cвойства  Методы  События Terrasoft.Core.Entities - пространство имен : EntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollection - класс Включить унаследованные члены Включить защищенные члены

Glossary Item Box

Тип EntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollection предоставляет следующие члены.


Public EntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollection Перегружен.   


Public - свойствоIsInCollectionClearedDetermines whether the handling of the CollectionCleared event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInCollectionClearingDetermines whether the handling of the CollectionClearing event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInQueryExpressionChangedDetermines whether the handling of the QueryExpressionChanged event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInQueryExpressionChangingDetermines whether the handling of the QueryExpressionChanging event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInQueryExpressionInsertedDetermines whether the handling of the QueryExpressionInserted event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInQueryExpressionInsertingDetermines whether the handling of the QueryExpressionInserting event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInQueryExpressionRemovedDetermines whether the handling of the QueryExpressionRemoved event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInQueryExpressionRemovingDetermines whether the handling of the QueryExpressionRemoving event is performed.  
Public - свойствоParentQueryQuery against the entity schema, which contains the collection of expressions.  


Public - методCloneGets the System.Object instance that is a clone of the current collection of expressions of the entity schema query.  
Public - методCreateQueryColumnExpressionFor the current collection of expressions, gets the enumerator of expressions of query columns. The enumerator is generated taking into account the specified access rights.  
Public - методGetMaxQueryColumnAliasLengthFor the current collection of expressions, gets the maximum length of the alias of the query column in a specified path.  
Public - методGetUniqueQueryColumnAliasПерегружен.   
Public - методGetUsingSchemaColumnExpressionsFor the current collection of expressions, generates a collection of expressions that will be used for building an SQL query.  
Public - методResetQueryColumnAliasesResets aliases for all items of the current collection.  


Public - событиеCollectionClearedEvent that occurs after removing all items from the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеCollectionClearingEvent that occurs before removing all items from the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеQueryExpressionChangedEvent that occurs after changing an item in the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеQueryExpressionChangingEvent that occurs before changing an item in the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеQueryExpressionInsertedEvent that occurs after adding an item in the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеQueryExpressionInsertingEvent that occurs before adding an item in the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеQueryExpressionRemovedEvent that occurs after removing an item from the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеQueryExpressionRemovingEvent that occurs before removing an item from the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.  

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