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Terrasoft.Core.DB - пространство имен Смотри также  Иерархия наследования

Glossary Item Box


- классAggregationQueryFunction The aggregate function of the expression.
- классBaseHint Base class of table hint,
- классCastQueryFunction Function of casting the argument expression to the specified data type.
- классCoalesceQueryFunction Function that returns the first expression that is not equal to null from the list of arguments.
- классColumn Provides utility methods for working with expressions of query columns.
- классConcatQueryFunction Function for generating a string that is a result of combining string values of the function arguments.
- классCreateGuidQueryFunction The expression function of the new identifier.
- классCurrentDateTimeQueryFunction The function of the current date and time expression.
- классDataLengthQueryFunction Function for calculating the bytes used to represent the expression of column with passed name.
- классDateAddQueryFunction Function of the expression of the date yielded by adding the specified time span to the specified date.
- классDateDiffQueryFunction The function of expression the margin between dates which was obtained by subtracting the specified dates.
- классDatePartQueryFunction The expression function for the datepart of the Date/Time type.
- классDBLobUtilities  
- классDBMetaActionExecuteException  
- классDelete Query to delete data.
- классForceSeekHint Table hint class "Use search in index".
- классFunc Provides utility methods for working with functions.
- классHierarchicalSelectOptions Parameters used to built hierarchical queries.
- классHintCollection  
- классHints  
- классHintsHelper  
- классIndexHint Table hint class "Use index".
- классInsert Query to insert data.
- классIsNullQueryFunction Function for replacing the null value with the placeholder expression.
- классJoin The Join query operator.
- классJoinCollection The collection of operators of the Join query.
- классLengthQueryFunction Function for returning the length of expression.
- классNoLockHint Table hint class "Read invalid results".
- классOrderByItem Represents the expression by which the query results are sorted.
- классOrderByItemCollection The collection of expressions by which the query results are sorted.
- классPageableSelectCondition Represents the condition for the paged output query.
- классPageableSelectOptions Parameters of the paged output of the query results.
- классQuery Base class of the data base query.
- классQueryCase CASE operator expression.
- классQueryCaseItem Item of the CASE condition.
- классQueryColumnExpression The query column expression.
- классQueryColumnExpressionCollection Collection of column expressions.
- классQueryCondition The query condition.
- классQueryFunction Base class of the expression function.
- классQueryParameter Represents the query parameter.
- классQueryParameterCollection Collection of the query parameters.
- классQueryParameterUtilities Provides utility methods for working with query parameters.
- классQuerySourceExpression The expression of the query data source.
- классQueryUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the queries to the database.
- классSelect Query to select data.
- классSelectQueryCollection Collection of data select queries.
- классSource Provides utility methods for working with the query data source.
- классTrimQueryFunction Function for removing leading and trailing spaces from an expression.
- классUpdate Query to update data.
- классUpperQueryFunction The function for converting characters of the argument expression to uppercase.


- интерфейсICacheableQuery Provides methods and properties of the cached query.
- интерфейсIDBCommand Represents the SQL command.
- интерфейсIDBReadableCommand Represents the SQL operator that can be used to read data.
- интерфейсIParametrizedQuery Provides methods and properties of the parameterized query.
- интерфейсIQueryExpression Provides methods and properties of the query expression.


- перечислениеAggregationEvalType The scope of the aggregate function.
- перечислениеDateDiffQueryFunctionInterval Date measurement unit.
- перечислениеDatePartQueryFunctionInterval Datepart.
- перечислениеJoinType The Join type of operator.
- перечислениеPageableSelectDirection Direction of the paged output.
- перечислениеQueryColumnExpressionType The type of the column expression.
- перечислениеQueryConditionType The type of the query condition.
- перечислениеQuerySourceExpressionType The type of the expression of the query data source.

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