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Terrasoft.Core.Store - пространство имен Смотри также  Иерархия наследования

Glossary Item Box


- классBaseStoreProvider<TStore,TStoreLevel> Base class of the repository provider.
- классCacheItem Cache item.
- классCacheStoreProvider Provider of cache.
- классCacheStoreUtilities Provides utility methods for working with the data repository and cache.
- классClientStoreAdaptersConfigurationSection  
- классClientStoreAdaptersSectionCollection  
- классClientStoreAdaptersSectionElement  
- классDataStoreKeyTransformerProxy Proxy class that converts data repository keys by adding them to the prefix key.
- классDataStoreProvider Data repository provider.
- классKeyTransformerProxy Base class for the proxy classes that transfoem the cache keys.
- классPrefixKeyTransformerProxy Proxy class that converts cache keys by adding them to the prefix key.
- классStore Provides access to data repositories and cache of different levels.


- интерфейсIBaseStore Base interface for permanent data storages and caches.
- интерфейсICacheStore Cache.
- интерфейсICacheStoreProxy Interface for proxy classes of the cache
- интерфейсIDataStore Data repository
- интерфейсIDataStoreProxy Interface for proxy classes of the data storage
- интерфейсISessionStore Storage interface of the session data.


- перечислениеCacheLevel Data level in the cache
- перечислениеDataLevel Data level in the storage

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