 * Switch control class
Ext.define('Terrasoft.controls.RadioButton', {
	extend: 'Terrasoft.CheckBoxEdit',
	alternateClassName: 'Terrasoft.RadioButton',

  * CSS class of the inactive switch
  * @protected
  * @type {String}
	disabledClass: 't-radio-disabled',

  * CSS class of the installed switch
  * @protected
  * @type {String}
	checkedClass: 't-radio-checked',

  * CSS class of the focused switch
  * @protected
  * @type {String}
	focusedClass: 't-radio-focus',

  * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.Component#init
  * @override
	init: function () {
		if (this.checked) {

  * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.CheckBoxEdit#onClick
  * @override
	onClick: function () {
		if (this.checked) {

  * Calculate the data for the template
  * @protected
	prepareTplClasses: function () {
		var classes = {
			wrapClass: ['t-radio-wrap'],
			hiddenInputClass: ['t-radio']
		var wrapClass = classes.wrapClass;
		if (this.checked) {
		if (!this.enabled) {
		if (Ext.isIE) {
		return classes;

  * Calculate the data for the template and update the selectors
  * @protected
  * @override
	getTplData: function () {
		var tplData = this.callParent(arguments);
		tplData.hiddenInputType = 'radio';
		Ext.apply(tplData, this.prepareTplClasses());
		return tplData;

  * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.Bindable#setControlPropertyValue
  * @protected
  * @override
	setControlPropertyValue: function (binding, value, model) {
		var changeEvent = binding.config.changeEvent;
		if (changeEvent === 'checkedchanged') {
			var mappedValue = this.tag;
			var match = mappedValue === value;
			this.callParent([binding, match, model]);
		} else {

  * Subscribes to the events of the model and, if necessary, subscribes to the change of the bound property
  * of control for Property type
  * @protected
  * @override
  * @param {Object} binding An object that describes the binding parameters of a control's property to a model
  * @param {String} property Name of the property of the control to be bound
  * @param {Terrasoft.data.modules.BaseViewModel} model The data model to which the control is bound
	subscribeForPropertyChangeEvent: function (binding, property, model) {
		var changeEvent = binding.config.changeEvent;
		if (changeEvent === 'checkedchanged') {
			var modelProperty = binding.modelItem;
			var mappedValue = this.tag;
			var onControlPropertyChange = function (value) {
				if (value) {
					model.set(modelProperty, mappedValue);
			this.on(changeEvent, onControlPropertyChange);
			var dependentProperties = [modelProperty];
			// The handler for changing one property in the model
			var handler = function (viewModel, value) {
				this.setControlPropertyValue(binding, value, model);
			this.toggleSubscriptionForModelEvents(model, null, dependentProperties, handler, this);
		} else {

  * Set the flag value
  * @param {Boolean} checked new value of flag
	setChecked: function (checked) {
		if (checked === this.checked) {
		this.checked = checked;
		this.fireEvent('checkedchanged', checked, this);
