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ResourceManagerCollection - класс Члены  Смотри также  Terrasoft.Common - пространство имен : ResourceManagerCollection - класс C#

Glossary Item Box

Represents methods of working with collection of resource managers.


public class ResourceManagerCollection 

Тип ResourceManagerCollection предоставляет следующие члены.


Public ResourceManagerCollection  


Public - методAddAdds the specified resource manager to the current collection.  
Public - методFindByNameSearches for the resource manager with the specified name in the current collection.  
Public - методGetByNameGets the resource manager with the specified name or generates exception if the manager with this name was not found in the current collection.  
Public - методGetEnumeratorReturns the enumerator for iteration by collection elements of the resource manager.  
Public - методRemoveDeletes the resource manager with the specified name from the current collection.  

Иерархия наследования


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