Creatio development guide
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StringUtilities.ConcatIfNotEmpty - метод Смотри также  Terrasoft.Common - пространство имен > StringUtilities - класс : ConcatIfNotEmpty - метод C#

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ConcatIfNotEmpty(IEnumerable<String>,String)Combines into a single string the list of specified elements separated with the specified delimeter if the elements are not empty.  
ConcatIfNotEmpty(IEnumerable<String>,String,Int32)Combines into a single string the list of specified elements separated with the specified delimeter if the elements are not empty. The number of items joined in the string is limited by maxNumber. If the number of source items exceeds maxNumber, the rest of the items will be replaced with three dots (...).  
ConcatIfNotEmpty(String,String,String)Combines this instance with the specified string using the specified delimiter if the specified string is not empty.  

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