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BaseResource - класс Члены  Смотри также  Terrasoft.Common - пространство имен : BaseResource - класс C#

Glossary Item Box

The base class for the resource.


public abstract class BaseResource 

Тип BaseResource предоставляет следующие члены.


Public - свойствоActualFilePathThe current path to the resource file. If the path to the resource file has not been defined, then the path to the file of the parent resource group is returned.  
Public - свойствоActualItemTypeThe current type of resource. If the type was not determined for the current resource, the type of the parent resource group is returned.  
Public - свойствоActualNameThe actual resource name in the following format: [Parent Group Name_1].<...>.[Parent Group Name_N].[Resource Name]  
Public - свойствоFilePathThe path to the resource file.  
Public - свойствоItemTypeThe type of resource.  
Public - свойствоNameThe name of resource.  
Public - свойствоParentGroupThe parent resource group.  


Public - методGetSchemaGets the XML-schema of the resource.  
Public - методReadMetaDataAbstract method for deserialization of resources using the specified DataReader instance.  
Public - методReadXmlAbstract method for deserialization of resources using the specified System.Xml.XmlReader instance.  
Public - методWriteMetaDataAbstract method for serialization of resources using the specified DataWriter instance.  
Public - методWriteXmlAbstract method for serialization of resources using the specified System.Xml.XmlWriter instance.  

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