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EntitySchemaQuery.CreateFilter - метод Смотри также  Terrasoft.Core.Entities - пространство имен > EntitySchemaQuery - класс : CreateFilter - метод C#

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CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,String[])Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for expressions of two columns in paths specified in relation to the root schema.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,EntitySchemaQueryExpression)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the passed-in expression and the expression of column in a path specified in relation to the the root schema.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,EntitySchemaQueryFunction)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the passed-in function instance and the expression of column in a path specified in relation to the the root schema.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,EntitySchemaQueryExpression,EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType,Int32)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the specified filter's left side expression, macro type and value that is processed by the macro in the filter's right side.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,EntitySchemaQueryExpression,EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType,DateTime)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the specified filter's left side expression, macro type and the System.DateTime type value that is processed by the macro in the filter's right side.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,EntitySchemaQueryExpression,EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType,DayOfWeek)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the specified filter's left side expression, macro type and the System.DayOfWeek type value that is processed by the macro in the filter's right side.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType,Int32)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the expression of column in a specified path, specified macro type and numeric value that is processed by the macro in the filter's right side.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType,DateTime)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the expression of column in a specified path, the macro type and the System.DateTime type value that is processed by the macro in the filter's right side.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType,DayOfWeek)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the expression of column in a specified path, the macro type and the System.DayOfWeek type value that is processed by the macro in the filter's right side.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,EntitySchemaQuery)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the expression of column in a specified path and the passed-in subquery.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,AggregationTypeStrict,Int32)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the expression of column in a specified path, specified type of the aggregate function and passed-in parameter value of the System.Int32 type. The aggregate function in the filter's right side is applied to this parameter value.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,AggregationTypeStrict,Double)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the expression of column in a specified path, specified type of the aggregate function and passed-in parameter value of the System.Double type. The aggregate function in the filter's right side is applied to this parameter value.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,AggregationTypeStrict,DateTime)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the expression of column in a specified path, specified type of the aggregate function and passed-in parameter value of the System.DateTime type. The aggregate function in the filter's right side is applied to this parameter value.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,AggregationTypeStrict,String)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the column in a specified path, specified type of the aggregate function and passed-in parameter value of the System.String type. The aggregate function in the filter's right side is applied to this parameter value.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,AggregationTypeStrict,Object,EntitySchemaQuery)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the expression of column in a specified path, specified type of the aggregate function and passed-in parameter value to which the aggregate function in the filter's right side is applied. In the output parameter, a subquery for the filter's left side expression is returned. Alternatively, if the filter's left side expression is equal to null, a subquery for the first expression from the filter's right side is returned.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,AggregationTypeStrict,EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType,Int32)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the expression of column in a specified path, specified type of the aggregate function, specified macro type and value to which the filter's right side macro is applied.  
CreateFilter(FilterComparisonType,String,AggregationTypeStrict,EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType,EntitySchemaQuery,Int32)Gets the filter with the specified comparison type for the expression of column in a specified path, specified type of the aggregate function, specified macro type and value to which the filter's right side macro is applied. In the output parameter, a subquery for the filter's left side expression is returned.  

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