| Имя | Описание |
| AddAllSchemaColumns | In the collection of columns of the current entity schema query, inserts all columns of the root schema. |
| AddColumn | Перегружен. Создает и добавляет колонку в текущий запрос к схеме объекта. |
| ClearCach | Clears the cache of the current query. |
| ClearDefCach | Removes the item with the specified name from the query's cache. |
| Clone | Creates the clone of the current EntitySchemaQuery instance. |
| CreateAggregationEntitySchemaExpression | Gets the expression of the aggregate function of the specified type for the expression of column in the specified path. |
| CreateAggregationFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaAggregationQueryFunction aggregate function with the specified type of column in a specified path in relation to the root schema. |
| CreateCaseNotNullFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCaseNotNullQueryFunction function for the specified array of condition expressions. |
| CreateCaseNotNullQueryFunctionWhenItem | Gets the expression instance for an SQL statement: WHEN <Expression_1> IS NOT NULL THEN <Expression_2> . |
| CreateCastFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCastQueryFunction function for the expression (with the specified target data type) of column in a path specified in relation to the root schema. |
| CreateCoalesceFunction | Перегружен. |
| CreateConcatFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaConcatQueryFunction function for the specified array of expressions. |
| CreateCurrentDateFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentDateQueryFunction function that returns the current date. |
| CreateCurrentDateTimeFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentDateTimeQueryFunction function that returns the current date and time. |
| CreateCurrentTimeFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentTimeQueryFunction function that determines the current time. |
| CreateCurrentUserAccountFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentUserAccountQueryFunction function that determines the identifier of the current user's account. |
| CreateCurrentUserContactFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentUserContactQueryFunction function that determines the identifier of the current user's contact. |
| CreateCurrentUserFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentUserQueryFunction function that determines the current user. |
| CreateDatePartFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns the specified time span for value of the column in a path specified in relation to the root schema. |
| CreateDayFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns the specified [Day] time span for value of the column in a path specified in relation to the root schema. |
| CreateExistsFilter | For the current entity schema query, gets the comparison filter of the type [exists by the specified condition] and sets the expression of column in a specified path as the value to test for. |
| CreateFilter | Перегружен. Создает фильтр запроса для выборки записей по определенным условиям. |
| CreateFilterWithParameters | Перегружен. Создает параметризированный фильтр для выборки записей по определенным условиям. |
| CreateHourFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns the specified [Hour] datepart for value of the column in a path specified in relation to the root schema. |
| CreateHourMinuteFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns the [Minute] datepart for value of the column in a path specified in relation to the root schema. |
| CreateIsNotNullFilter | For the current entity schema query, gets the comparison filter of the type [is not null in database] and sets the expression of column in a specified path as the value to test for. |
| CreateIsNullFilter | For the current entity schema query, gets the comparison filter of the type [is null in database] and sets the expression of column in a specified path as the validation criteria. |
| CreateIsNullFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaIsNullQueryFunction function for columns with values to check and substitute in paths specified in relation to the root schema. |
| CreateLengthFunction | Перегружен. |
| CreateMonthFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns the specified [Month] datepart for value of the column in a path specified in relation to the root schema. |
| CreateNotExistsFilter | For the current entity schema query, gets the comparison filter of the type [does not exist by the specified condition] and sets the expression of column in a specified path as the value to test for. |
| CreateParameterExpression | Перегружен. Создает выражение запроса к схеме объекта для параметра. |
| CreateParameterExpressions | Перегружен. Создает перечень выражений запросов для параметров с определенным типом данных. |
| CreateSchemaColumnExpression | Перегружен. |
| CreateSchemaColumnExpressions | Перегружен. |
| CreateSchemaColumnExpressionsWithoutCoalesce | Gets the enumerator of column expressions of the entity schema query by the specified array of paths to columns. If it is a column of the multilookup type, the COALESCE function is not used for its values. |
| CreateSchemaColumnQueryExpression | Перегружен. |
| CreateSubEntitySchemaExpression | Gets the expression of entity schema subquery for the column in the specified path. |
| CreateTrimFunction | Перегружен. |
| CreateUpperFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaUpperQueryFunction function for the expression of column in a path specified in relation to the root schema. |
| CreateWeekdayFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns the specified [Day of Week] datepart for value of the column in a path specified in relation to the root schema. |
| CreateWeekFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns the specified [Week] datepart for value of the column in a path specified in relation to the root schema. |
| CreateYearFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns the specified [Year] datepart for value of the column in a path specified in relation to the root schema. |
| GetDataTable | Gets the output of executing the entity schema query as the table of in-memory data, using the specified user connection. |
| GetDayOfWeekNumber | Gets the sequence number of the day of week for the specified System.DayOfWeek entity taking into account the local settings. |
| GetEntity | Gets the Entity instance by the specified primary key, using the specified user connection. |
| GetEntityCollection | Перегружен. Возвращает коллекцию экземпляров Entity, представляющих результаты выполнения текущего запроса. |
| GetSchema | Gets the entity schema instance of the current EntitySchemaQuery instance. |
| GetSelectQuery | Перегружен. Возвращает экземпляр запроса на выборку данных. |
| GetSummaryColumns | Перегружен. Возвращает коллекцию выражений колонок запроса, для которых вычисляются итоговые значения. |
| GetSummaryEntity | Перегружен. Возвращает экземпляр Entity для результата, возвращаемого запросом на выборку итоговых значений. |
| GetSummarySelectQuery | Перегружен. Строит запрос на выборку итоговых (агрегирующих) значений для заданной коллекции колонок текущего экземпляра EntitySchemaQuery. |
| GetTypedColumnValue<T> | Gets the typed value of the column with the specified name from the passed-in Entity instance. |
| LoadDataTableData | Перегружен. Загружает результат выполнения текущего запроса к схеме объекта в объект System.Data.DataTable. |
| RemoveColumn | Removes the column with the specified name from the collection of columns of the current query. |
| ResetSchema | Clears the schema of the current EntitySchemaQuery instance. |
| ResetSelectQuery | Clears the select query for the current entity schema query. |