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Terrasoft.Core.Entities - пространство имен Смотри также  Иерархия наследования

Glossary Item Box


- классEntity The object that represents a record in the database table.
- классEntityColumnValue The value of the entity column.
- классEntityColumnValueCollection Collection of values of the entity columns.
- классEntitySchema Represents the schema of the entity.
- классEntitySchemaAggregationQueryFunction The aggregate function of the expression.
- классEntitySchemaBaseCurrentDateQueryFunction Base class of the expression function for the base date.
- классEntitySchemaBaseCurrentDateTimeQueryFunction Base class of the expression function for the base date and time.
- классEntitySchemaCaseNotNullQueryFunction Function that returns one value from the set of possible values depending on the specified conditions.
- классEntitySchemaCaseNotNullQueryFunctionWhenItem Class that describes the condition expression of the CASE SQL operator.
- классEntitySchemaCaseNotNullQueryFunctionWhenItems Collection of condition expressions of the CASE SQL operator.
- классEntitySchemaCastQueryFunction Function of casting the argument expression to the specified data type.
- классEntitySchemaCoalesceQueryFunction Function that returns the first expression that is other than null from the list of arguments.
- классEntitySchemaColumn Represents a schema column.
- классEntitySchemaColumnCollection Provides methods of working with the collection of schema columns.
- классEntitySchemaColumnDef Represents the default value for the schema column.
- классEntitySchemaConcatQueryFunction Function for generating a string that is a result of combining string values of the function arguments.
- классEntitySchemaCurrentDateQueryFunction The function of the current date expression.
- классEntitySchemaCurrentDateTimeQueryFunction The function of the current date and time expression.
- классEntitySchemaCurrentTimeQueryFunction The function of the current time expression.
- классEntitySchemaCurrentUserAccountQueryFunction The expression function of the current user's account.
- классEntitySchemaCurrentUserContactQueryFunction The expression function of the current user's contact.
- классEntitySchemaCurrentUserQueryFunction The function of the current user expression.
- классEntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction The function of the datepart expression.
- классEntitySchemaIndex Schema index.
- классEntitySchemaIndexCollection Collection of schema indexes.
- классEntitySchemaIndexColumn The index column.
- классEntitySchemaIndexColumnCollection Collection of index columns.
- классEntitySchemaIsNullQueryFunction Function for replacing the null value with the placeholder expression.
- классEntitySchemaLengthQueryFunction Function for returning the length of expression.
- классEntitySchemaManager Менеджер схемы.
- классEntitySchemaManagerItemDescriptor Descriptor of the entity schema manager item.
- классEntitySchemaOppositeReferenceInfo A schema relationship.
- классEntitySchemaOppositeReferenceInfoCollection Collection of schema relationships.
- классEntitySchemaOppositeReferenceInfoCollectionComparer Provides methods of comparing schema relationships.
- классEntitySchemaProcessData  
- классEntitySchemaQuery Represents the entity schema query. It is a high-level class that enables to build complex queries using only paths to columns of the table entity (schema) against the root table.
- классEntitySchemaQueryCollection Collection of queries against the entity schema.
- классEntitySchemaQueryColumn Column of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryColumnCollection Collection of columns of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryExpression Expression of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollection Collection of expressions of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollectionBeforeEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event before changing the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollectionBeforeItemChangedEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event before changing the item of the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollectionEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event of changing the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollectionItemChangedEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event of changing the item of the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryExpressionTypeBeforeChangedEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event before changing the type of expression of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryExpressionTypeChangedEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event of changing the type of expression of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryExpressionUtilities Provides utility methods for working with expressions of queries against the entity schemas.
- классEntitySchemaQueryFilter Represents the filter of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryFilterCollection Collection of filters of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryFunction Base function class of the expression of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryLoadingEventArgs Provides data for the event that occurs when loading the query data.
- классEntitySchemaQueryOptions Class of settings of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryPropertyBeforeChangedEventArgs<T> Provides data about the state for the event before changing the property of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaQueryPropertyChangedEventArgs<T> Provides data about the state for the event of changing the property of the entity schema query.
- классEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentHalfYearQueryFunction Function of the expression of the current half-year start date.
- классEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentHourQueryFunction Function of the expression of the current hour start date.
- классEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentMonthQueryFunction Function of the expression of the current month start date.
- классEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentQuarterQueryFunction Function of the expression of the current quarter start date.
- классEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentWeekQueryFunction The function of the expression of the current week start date.
- классEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentYearQueryFunction Function of the expression of the current year start date.
- классEntitySchemaSystemValueQueryFunction Function that returns the expression of the system value.
- классEntitySchemaTrimQueryFunction Function for removing leading and trailing spaces from an expression.
- классEntitySchemaUpperQueryFunction The function for converting characters of the argument expression to uppercase.
- классEntityValidationMessage Entity validation message.
- классEntityValidationMessageCollection Collection of the entity validation messages.
- классIsDBViewAttribute The attribute requires implementing the schema as a view at the database level.
- классIsVirtualAttribute Determines the schema virtuality attribute.
- классSystemEntity System entity.
- классSystemEntitySchemaManager Manager of the system entity schemas.


- интерфейсIEntitySchemaQueryFilterItem Interface of the filter item of the entity schema query.


- перечислениеEntitySchemaColumnDefSource Sources of default values.
- перечислениеEntitySchemaColumnDefSourceSystemValueSource Sources of default system values.
- перечислениеEntitySchemaColumnRequirementType Verification level for values of the required columns.
- перечислениеEntitySchemaColumnUsageType The usage type for a column.
- перечислениеEntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunctionInterval Datepart.
- перечислениеEntitySchemaDBInheritanceType Schema inheritance type at the database level.
- перечислениеEntitySchemaKind Schema type.
- перечислениеEntitySchemaQueryExpressionType Expression type of the entity schema query.
- перечислениеEntitySchemaQueryMacrosType Macro type of the entity schema query.
- перечислениеFilterAggregationType The aggregate function type in the filter.
- перечислениеFilterComparisonType The comparison type in the filter.

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