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EntitySchemaQueryColumn - класс Члены  Смотри также  Terrasoft.Core.Entities - пространство имен : EntitySchemaQueryColumn - класс C#

Glossary Item Box

Column of the entity schema query.


public class EntitySchemaQueryColumn : Terrasoft.Core.MetaItem, Terrasoft.Common.ICodeReviewSerializable, Terrasoft.Common.IMetaDataSerializable  

Тип EntitySchemaQueryColumn предоставляет следующие члены.


Public EntitySchemaQueryColumn Перегружен.   


Public - свойствоCaptionThe caption of the column.  
Public - свойствоDisplayExpressionExpression of the column value to display.  
Public - свойствоDisplayValueQueryAliasAlias of the value to display in the SQL query.  
Public - свойствоIsAggregatedIndicates whether the aggregate function is applied to the column.  
Public - свойствоIsAlwaysSelectIndicates whether the column will be always present in the resulting SQL query.  
Public - свойствоIsLookupIndicates whether the column is a lookup.  
Public - свойствоIsSelectingIndicates whether to use the column for building the resulting SQL query.  
Public - свойствоIsVisibleIndicates whether the column will be present in the resulting data set of the query.  
Public - свойствоOrderDirectionThe sorting order.  
Public - свойствоOrderPositionThe sort position.  
Public - свойствоParentQueryQuery against the schema of the entity that contains the column.  
Public - свойствоPathPath to column.  
Public - свойствоPrimaryImageExpression  
Public - свойствоSourceSchemaUIdExpressionExpression for the unique identifier of the source schema.  
Public - свойствоSummaryTypeThe aggregate function type for the column.  
Public - свойствоUseDisplayValueIndicates whether to use the displayed value for the column.  
Public - свойствоValueExpressionExpression of the stored column value.  
Public - свойствоValueQueryAliasAlias of the stored value in the SQL query.  


Public - методCloneПереопределен. Gets the System.Object instance that is a clone of the current column of the entity schema query.  
Public - методCreateSummaryQueryColumnExpressionCreates the expression of the aggregate function for the specified column expression.  
Public - методGetResultDataDisplayValueTypeGets the data type of the column value to display, using the passed-in data type manager.  
Public - методGetResultDataValueTypeGets the data type of the stored column value, using the passed-in data type manager.  
Public - методGetResultSummaryDataValueTypeGets the data type of the column value total, using the passed-in data type manager.  
Public - методOrderByAscПерегружен.   
Public - методOrderByDescПерегружен.   
Public - методSetForcedQueryColumnValueAlias  
Public - методWriteMetaDataПереопределен. Serializes the current column of the entity schema query, using the passed-in Terrasoft.Common.DataWriter instance.  

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