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EntitySchemaColumn - члены Смотри также  Cвойства  Методы  Terrasoft.Core.Entities - пространство имен : EntitySchemaColumn - класс Включить унаследованные члены Включить защищенные члены

Glossary Item Box

Тип EntitySchemaColumn предоставляет следующие члены.


Public EntitySchemaColumn Перегружен.   


Public - свойствоCaptionПереопределен. The caption of the column.  
Public - свойствоColumnValueNameThe column name generated based on the value the column contains.  
Public - свойствоCreatedInSchemaUIdПереопределен.   
Public - свойствоDataValueTypeПереопределен. The type of the column data.  
Public - свойствоDefValueThe column value by default.  
Public - свойствоDescriptionПереопределен. The description of the column.  
Public - свойствоDisplayColumnValueNameGenerates a string with the display column value based on the value the column contains.  
Public - свойствоDisplayValueTypeThe data type of the display value of the column, which corresponds to the system type of the .NET framework.  
Public - свойствоHasConstDefValueDetermines whether the default constant value is specified for the given column.  
Public - свойствоHasDefValueDetermines whether the default value is specified for the given column.  
Public - свойствоHasReferenceSchemaListIndicates whether the given column references other schemas.  
Public - свойствоIndexThe index of the column.  
Public - свойствоIsCascadeFor the column of the lookup type determines whether it is has the cascade delete relationship with the record from the lookup.  
Public - свойствоIsDBReadOnlyIndicates whether the value of the given column will be written to the database table.  
Public - свойствоIsDBRequirementIndicates whether the column is required at the database level.  
Public - свойствоIsIndexedIndicates whether the column is indexed.  
Public - свойствоIsMultiLineTextIndicates whether the MemoEdit control is used for the column.  
Public - свойствоIsOneToOneInheritedColumnSpecifies the one-to-one inheritance for the column.  
Public - свойствоIsSimpleLookupIndicates whether the ComboBoxEdit control is used for the column.  
Public - свойствоIsSystem  
Public - свойствоIsTrackChangesInDBIndicates whether the column is logged.  
Public - свойствоIsValueCloneableIndicates whether the column is cloneable.  
Public - свойствоIsVirtualIndicates whether the column is virtual.  
Public - свойствоIsWeakReferenceDetermines that at the database level the relationship with the lookup is weak for the column with the lookup type. That is, the foreign key for the integrity check does not exist.  
Public - свойствоNameПереопределен. The name of the column.  
Public - свойствоNamePrefixПереопределен.   
Public - свойствоParentCollectionCollection of columns of the schema that owns the current column.  
Public - свойствоParentMetaSchemaПереопределен.   
Public - свойствоPrimaryImageColumnValueName  
Public - свойствоReferenceEnumType  
Public - свойствоReferenceSchemaПереопределен. The schema that the current column of the lookup type references.  
Public - свойствоReferenceSchemaListThe list of references to schemas that the given column references.  
Public - свойствоReferenceSchemaUIdПереопределен. The unique identifier that the current column of the lookup type references.  
Public - свойствоReferenceValueListSchemaПереопределен. The virtual data set that the current column with the fixed list of values references.  
Public - свойствоReferenceValueListSchemaUIdПереопределен. Unique identifier of the virtual data set which the current column with the fixed list of values references.  
Public - свойствоRequirementTypeThe column required level.  
Public - свойствоSourceSchemaUIdColumnValueName  
Public - свойствоUIdПереопределен. Unique identifier of a column.  
Public - свойствоUsageTypeThe usage type for a column.  
Public - свойствоValueTypeData type of the column value, which corresponds to the system type of the .NET framework.  


Public - методCloneПереопределен. Returns a column that is a clone of the given column.  
Public - методHandleNameChangingПереопределен.   
Public - методSetNameSets the specified name for the given column.  
Public - методWriteMetaDataПереопределен. Writes the metadata of the schema using the specified Terrasoft.Common.DataWriter instance.  

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