Creatio development guide
Это документация Creatio версии 7.9.0. Мы рекомендуем использовать новую версию документации.

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Glossary Item Box


- классClientUnitSchemaManagerItemDescriptor Descriptor of the entity schema manager item.
- классClientUnitSchemaStub  
- классEntityCollectionDataValueType  
- классImageLookupDataValueType  
- классManager<TItem,TInstance> Manager.
- классManagerItem<TInstance> Manager item.
- классManagerItemCollection<TItem> Collection of the manager items.
- классPasswordUtilities  
- классPersonalLicCountException  
- классRootRepositoryUrisConfigurationElement  
- классRootRepositoryUrisConfigurationSection  
- классRootRepositoryUrisConfigurationSectionCollection  
- классSchema Base class of the schema.
- классSchemaManager<TSchemaManagerSchema> Base class of the schema manager.
- классSchemaManagerItem<TSchemaManagerSchema> The item of the schema manager.
- классSchemaManagerItemActionEventArgs Base class for classes that contain data event state data for the schema manager.
- классSchemaManagerItemAfterAddEventArgs Provides data about the status for the event after adding a manager item.
- классSchemaManagerItemAfterRemoveEventArgs Provides data about the status for the event after removing a manager item.
- классSchemaManagerItemAfterSaveEventArgs Provides data about the status for the event after saving a manager item.
- классSchemaManagerItemBeforeAddEventArgs Provides data about the status for the event before adding a manager item.
- классSchemaManagerItemBeforeRemoveEventArgs Provides data about the status for the event before removing a manager item.
- классSchemaManagerItemBeforeSaveEventArgs Provides data about the status for the event before saving a manager item.
- классSchemaManagerItemCollection<TSchemaManagerSchema> Collection of the manager items.
- классSchemaManagerItemDescriptor Descriptor of the schema manager item.


- интерфейсIAppSchedulerWraper  
- интерфейсIManager Provides methods and properties of the manager.
- интерфейсIManager<TItem,TInstance> Parameterized class of the IManager interface.
- интерфейсIManagerItem Provides properties of manager item.
- интерфейсIManagerItem<TInstance> Provides properties of the manager item of the specified type.
- интерфейсIManagerItemCollection<TItem> Collection of the manager items.
- интерфейсIManagerItemInstance Provides properties of manager item instance.
- интерфейсIMetaDataSerializer Interface of metadata serializer.
- интерфейсISchemaManager Provides methods and properties of the schema manager.
- интерфейсISchemaManagerItem Provides methods and properties of the manager item.
- интерфейсISchemaManagerItem<TSchemaManagerSchema> Typed interface of the item of the schema manager.
- интерфейсISchemaManagerSchema<TSchemaManagerSchema> Typed interface of the schema of the schema manager.

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