Creatio development guide
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The class that is inherited from Schema and implements the ISchemaManagerSchema<TSchemaManagerSchema>, IManagerItemInstance, System.ICloneable interfaces.

SchemaManagerItemCollection - класс Члены  Смотри также  Terrasoft.Core - пространство имен : SchemaManagerItemCollection - класс C#

Glossary Item Box

Collection of the manager items.


Типы обобщений

The class that is inherited from Schema and implements the ISchemaManagerSchema<TSchemaManagerSchema>, IManagerItemInstance, System.ICloneable interfaces.

Тип SchemaManagerItemCollection<TSchemaManagerSchema> предоставляет следующие члены.


Public SchemaManagerItemCollection<TSchemaManagerSchema> Initializes a SchemaManagerItemCollection<TSchemaManagerSchema> instance for the specified manager.  


Public - свойствоIsInItemAddedDetermines whether the handling of the ItemAdded event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInItemAddingDetermines whether the handling of the ItemAdding event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInItemRemovedDetermines whether the handling of the ItemRemoved event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInItemRemovingDetermines whether the handling of the ItemRemoving event is performed.  
Public - свойствоManagerSchema manager.  


Public - методFindByNameПерегружен.   
Public - методFindByUIdПерегружен.   
Public - методFindInstanceByNameSearches for an item with the specified name of the schema instance that belongs to the specified user.  
Public - методFindInstanceByUIdSearches for an item with the specified identifier of the schema instance that belongs to the specified user.  
Public - методGetByNameПерегружен.   
Public - методGetByUIdПерегружен.   
Public - методGetInstanceByNameReturns an item with the specified name that belongs to the specified user. If no such item is found, an exception is thrown.  
Public - методGetInstanceByUIdReturns an item with the specified identifier of the schema instance that belongs to the specified user. If no such item is found, an exception is thrown.  


Public - событиеItemAddedEvent that occurs after adding an item to the collection.  
Public - событиеItemAddingEvent that occurs before adding an item to the collection.  
Public - событиеItemRemovedEvent that occurs after removing an item from the collection.  
Public - событиеItemRemovingEvent that occurs before removing an item from the collection.  

Иерархия наследования


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