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Schema - класс Члены  Смотри также  Terrasoft.Core - пространство имен : Schema - класс C#

Glossary Item Box

Base class of the schema.


public abstract class Schema : MetaSchema, Terrasoft.Common.ICodeReviewSerializable, Terrasoft.Common.IMetaDataSerializable, IManagerItemInstance  

Тип Schema предоставляет следующие члены.


Public - свойствоAppManagerProviderProvider of application-level schema manager.  
Public - свойствоCaptionSchema caption.  
Public - свойствоDescriptionDescription of the schema.  
Public - свойствоExtendParent  
Public - свойствоHasMethodsIndication whether schema contains methods.  
Public - свойствоIsAggregated  
Public - свойствоIsCoreSchemaValue that specifies whether it is the system schema.  
Public - свойствоIsInitializedDetermines if the schema is initialized.  
Public - свойствоItemsSequentiallyNumberedDetermines whether to generate for the schema a sequential name.  
Public - свойствоLocalizableStringsCollection of localizable schema strings.  
Public - свойствоManagerItemSchema view.  
Public - свойствоMethodsCollection of schema methods.  
Public - свойствоPackageUIdUnique identifier of a package.  
Public - свойствоReferenceSchemaUIdsCollection of schema identifiers referenced by the schema.  
Public - свойствоResourceManagerSchema resource manager.  
Public - свойствоSchemaManagerSchema manager.  
Public - свойствоSchemaManagerProviderProvider of configuration-level schema manager.  
Public - свойствоStorageSchema resource store.  
Public - свойствоSystemUserConnectionSystem user connection.  
Public - свойствоUsingsCollection of namespaces used by schema.  


Public - методGenerateItemCaptionGenerates a subsequent schema caption using the specified index and description of class of the design-time entity.  
Public - методGenerateItemUniqueIndexGenerates the unique index of the item for the specified prefix.  
Public - методGetLocalizableValuesLoads the localizable values of the schema to the specified collection.  
Public - методGetMetaItemsFills the passed collection with meta items of the current schema.  
Public - методGetParentRealUIds  
Public - методGetResourceManagerNameПереопределен.   
Public - методGetSchemaReferencesGets a collection of references to assemblies that are required to compile the schema.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetShemaResourceManagerName  
Public - методHandleNameChangingПереопределен. Actualizes names of all localizable properties of the schema when renaming it.  
Public - методInitializeLocalizableValuesПерегружен.   
Public - методInitializePrimaryInfoInitializes primary properties of the schema.  
Public - методLoadLocalizableValuesLoads values for localizable schema items.  
Public - методRenameLocalizedPropertyWhen renaming a schema, renames the specified localizable schema property.  
Public - методSetDefInheritanceSets the identifier of the current schema as the parent schema identifier for all schema items without the parent schema identifier.  
Public - методSetLocalizedPropertyValue  
Public - методSetUniqueNameAndCaptionForItemПерегружен.   
Public - методWriteCodeReviewDataПереопределен. Writes the metadata of the schema using the specified Terrasoft.Common.DataWriter instance. The metadata is in the format adapted for code review.  
Public - методWriteMetaDataПереопределен. Writes the metadata of the schema using the specified Terrasoft.Common.DataWriter instance.  

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