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QueryColumnExpression - класс Члены  Смотри также  Terrasoft.Core.DB - пространство имен : QueryColumnExpression - класс C#

Glossary Item Box

The query column expression.


public class QueryColumnExpression : IQueryExpression  

Тип QueryColumnExpression предоставляет следующие члены.


Public QueryColumnExpression Перегружен.   


Public - свойствоAliasThe alias of the column expression.  
Public - свойствоArithmeticOperationArithmetic operation.  
Public - свойствоCaseThe Case statement.  
Public - свойствоConstValueThe constant value.  
Public - свойствоExpressionTypeThe type of the column expression.  
Public - свойствоFunctionFunction.  
Public - свойствоIsBlockDetermines whether the column expression is placed in block.  
Public - свойствоIsNegativeDetermines whether the column expression is a negation.  
Public - свойствоLeftArithmeticOperandThe left operand of the arithmetic operation.  
Public - свойствоParameterThe query parameter.  
Public - свойствоRightArithmeticOperandThe right operand of the arithmetic operation.  
Public - свойствоSourceAliasThe alias of the source.  
Public - свойствоSourceColumnAliasThe alias of the column.  
Public - свойствоSqlTextSQL text.  
Public - свойствоSubSelectThe select subquery.  


Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AddGets the arithmetic addition expression for the passed-in column expressions.  
Public - методBlockPlaces the current value of the column in block.  
Public - методCloneCreates the clone of the current QueryColumnExpression instance.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DivideGets an expression of the arithmetic division of the passed-in left column expression by the passed-in right column expression.  
Public - методGetQueryColumnExpressionGets the current value of the column.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MultiplyGets the arithmetic multiplication expression for the passed-in column expressions.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)NegateSets the negation of the passed-in value of the column expression.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SubtractGets an expression of the arithmetic subtraction of the passed-in right column expression from the passed-in left column expression.  


public - оператор Сложение Перегружен.  
public - оператор Деление Перегружен.  
public - оператор Умножение Перегружен.  
public - оператор Вычитание Перегружен.  
public - оператор Унарное отрицание The negation operator for the value of the column expression.

Иерархия наследования


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