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QueryConditionType - перечисление Смотри также  Terrasoft.Core.DB - пространство имен : QueryConditionType - перечисление C#

Glossary Item Box

The type of the query condition.


public enum QueryConditionType


BetweenThe range of values.
BlankEmpty condition.
ContainContains the expression.
EndWithEnds with the expression.
EqualEqual to.
ExistExists by the specified condition.
GreaterGreater than.
GreaterOrEqualGreater than or equal to.
InBelongs to a set of values.
IsNullIs null in the database.
LessLess than.
LessOrEqualLess than or equal to.
LikeString matches the pattern.
NotEqualNot equal to.
StartWithStarts with the expression.

Иерархия наследования


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