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EntitySchemaQueryExpression - члены Смотри также  Cвойства  Методы  События Terrasoft.Core.Entities - пространство имен : EntitySchemaQueryExpression - класс Включить унаследованные члены Включить защищенные члены

Glossary Item Box

Тип EntitySchemaQueryExpression предоставляет следующие члены.


Public EntitySchemaQueryExpression Перегружен.   


Public - свойствоArithmeticOperationArithmetic operation.  
Public - свойствоExpressionTypeThe expression type.  
Public - свойствоFunctionThe expression function.  
Public - свойствоIsAggregationFunctionIndicates whether the expression is an aggregate function.  
Public - свойствоIsBlockDetermines whether the expression is placed in block.  
Public - свойствоIsInExpressionTypeChangedDetermines whether the handling of the ExpressionTypeChanged event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInExpressionTypeChangingDetermines whether the handling of the ExpressionTypeChanging event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInFunctionChangedDetermines whether the handling of FunctionChanged is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInFunctionChangingDetermines whether the handling of the FunctionChanging event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInParameterValueChangedDetermines whether the handling of the ParameterValueChanged event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInParameterValueChangingDetermines whether the handling of the ParameterValueChanging event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInParameterValueForcedTypeChangedDetermines whether the handling of the ParameterValueForcedTypeChanged event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsInParameterValueForcedTypeChangingDetermines whether the handling of the ParameterValueForcedTypeChanging event is performed.  
Public - свойствоIsNegativeDetermines whether the expression is a negation.  
Public - свойствоIsSubQueryIndicates whether the expression is a subquery.  
Public - свойствоJoinPathPath to the linked table of the expression column.  
Public - свойствоLeftArithmeticOperandThe left operand of the arithmetic operation.  
Public - свойствоParameterValueThe value of the parameter.  
Public - свойствоParameterValueForcedTypeThe typed value of the parameter.  
Public - свойствоParentQueryParent entity schema query.  
Public - свойствоPathFull path to the expression column.  
Public - свойствоQueryColumnAliasThe query column alias.  
Public - свойствоRightArithmeticOperandThe right operand of the arithmetic operation.  
Public - свойствоRootSchemaThe root schema.  
Public - свойствоSchemaColumnInstance of the schema column.  
Public - свойствоSchemaColumnNameName of the schema column.  
Public - свойствоSourceAliasThe alias of the data source.  
Public - свойствоSourceNameData source.  
Public - свойствоSubQueryEntity schema subquery.  
Public - свойствоSubQueryOptionsParameters of the entity schema subquery.  


Public - методCloneПереопределен. Gets the System.Object instance that is a clone of the current EntitySchemaQueryExpression instance.  
Public - методCreateQueryColumnExpressionFor the current expression, creates a column expression to query the database, taking into account the specified access rights.  
Public - методGetCaptionGets the caption to display for the current expression of the entity schema query.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetJoinPathGets the path to the linked table from which the column expression is selected, by the specified full path to the expression column.  
Public - методGetResultDataValueTypeGets the data type of the current expression of the entity schema query, using the passed-in data type manager.  
Public - методWriteMetaDataПереопределен. Serializes the expression of the entity schema query, using the specified Terrasoft.Common.DataWriter instance.  


Public - событиеExpressionTypeChangedEvent that occurs after changing the type of expression of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеExpressionTypeChangingEvent that occurs before changing the type of expression of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеFunctionChangedEvent that occurs after changing the function of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеFunctionChangingEvent that occurs before changing the function of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеParameterValueChangedEvent that occurs after changing the parameter value of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеParameterValueChangingEvent that occurs before changing the parameter value of the entity schema query.  
Public - событиеParameterValueForcedTypeChangedEvent that occurs after changing the typed parameter value.  
Public - событиеParameterValueForcedTypeChangingEvent that occurs before changing the typed parameter value.  


Public - операторstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)СложениеПерегружен.   
Public - операторstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ДелениеПерегружен.   
Public - операторstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)УмножениеПерегружен.   
Public - операторstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ВычитаниеПерегружен.   

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