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GeneralResourceStorage - класс Члены  Смотри также  Terrasoft.Common - пространство имен : GeneralResourceStorage - класс C#

Glossary Item Box

Provides methods of working with resource store.


public static class GeneralResourceStorage 

Тип GeneralResourceStorage предоставляет следующие члены.


Public - свойствоstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AvailableManagersThe collection of the available managers of the current resource store.  
Public - свойствоstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)CulturesThe list of cultures of the current resource store.  
Public - свойствоstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)CurrentCultureThe culture for the current stream.  
Public - свойствоstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)CustomResourcesThe list of the user resources of the current resource store.  
Public - свойствоstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DefCultureThe default culture for the current stream.  
Public - свойствоstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)IsInitializedIdentifies whether the current resource store has been initialized.  
Public - свойствоstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ManagersThe collection of the resource managers of the current resource store.  
Public - свойствоstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ResourceDirectoryThe folder in which the resource files are stored.  


Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AddCultureInfoПерегружен.   
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FindManagerSearches for the resource manager with the specified name in the current resource store.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FormatByObjPropertiesПерегружен.   
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetAppropriateCultureGets the culture that is the closest to the specified culture.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetCulturesInfoReturns the enumerator for iteration by culture collection elements of the current resource store.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetManagerGets the resource manager with the specified name from the current data store or generates an exception if the manager with the specified name was not found.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetObjectПерегружен.   
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)InitializeInitializes the resource store based on the specified configuration section of the resources.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)RemoveManagerDeletes the resource manager with the specified name from the current resource store.  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SetDefCulture  
Public - методstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TryGetObjectGets the object with the objectName name of the resource manager managerName in the specified obj parameter. Returns the value that indicates if the objectName object was received successfully.  

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