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Glossary Item Box


- классAdaptiveStringBuilder Provides mutable string of characters with optimized string building mechanism. This class cannot be inherited.
- классAdaptiveStringBuilderUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the AdaptiveStringBuilder class.
- классAfterNameChangeEventArgs Provides status data after the name changing event.
- классAppStartupException Represents the error message on start-up of the System.String application.
- классArgumentEmptyException Represents exception that is thrown when input arguments have value-types.
- классArgumentMismatchItemsCountException Represents exception that is thrown on the mismatch of the number of elements in the collection of the argument.
- классArgumentNullOrEmptyException The exception that is thrown when the input arguments of the string type are empty or null objects.
- классArrayUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the arrays
- классAuthUtilities  
- классBaseResource The base class for the resource.
- классBeforeNameChangeEventArgs Provides status data before the name changing event.
- классBoolCommandLineParameter The base class for the boolean parameters.
- классBytesToStringUtilities Provides methods for conversion of values of the System.Byte type into the values of the System.String type.
- классCollectionUtilities Provides utility methods for working with collections.
- классColorUtilities Provides utility methods for working with colour palette.
- классCommandLine Provides methods of working with command line.
- классCommandLineParameter The base class of the command line parameter.
- классCommandLineParameterCollection Provides methods of working with the collection of the command line parameters.
- классCompilerErrorCollectionUtilities Provides methods of working with collections of errors and warnings of the compiler.
- классCompressionUtilities Provides zip (compression) and unzip methods.
- классDataConverter Base class of the data type converter.
- классDataReader The base class for the classes that implement sequential reading of the data.
- классDataTypeMismatchException Provides exception, which is thrown upon an attempt to set invalid value of a property.
- классDataTypeUtilities Provides utility methods for working with data types.
- классDataWriter The base class for the classes that implement sequential writing of the data.
- классDataWriterSettings Provides settings for the DataWriter class.
- классDateTimeUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the date and time.
- классDbOperationException The exception that is thrown when database operation executed.
- классDBUtilities Provides utility methods for working with database objects.
- классDESCryptoServiceProvider Provides methods for encrypting text using the DES algorithm.
- классDictionaryUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with dictionaries.
- классDSACryptoServiceProvider Provides methods for encrypting text with an open key using the DSA algorithm.
- классDublicateDataException The exception that is thrown when instances of data is duplicated.
- классDynamicXml Provides methods of working with an XML document.
- классEnumCommandLineParameter<TValues> The base class for the command line parameters of the enumeration type.
- классEnumStrictUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the enumerations.
- классEnumUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the enumerations.
- классFileUtilities Provides methods of working with files.
- классForeignPackageException  
- классFormulaUtilities Contains static mathematical functions that are missing in System.Math.
- классGeneralResourceStorage Provides methods of working with resource store.
- классGraphicUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with image.
- классGuidUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the System.Guid structure.
- классImageUrlBuilder Provides methods for generating URL of graphics objects.
- классInvalidNameException The exception that is thrown when the name is incorrect.
- классInvalidObjectStateException The exception that is thrown when object state is incorrect.
- классInvalidTypeCastException The exception that is thrown for invalid casting or explicit conversion.
- классItemAlreadyExistException The exception that is thrown when the item already exists in current collection.
- классItemNotFoundException The exception that is thrown when an item cannot be found in collection.
- классJsonDataReader Provides methods for reading data in the Json format.
- классJsonDataWriter Represents methods for sequential writing of data in the Json format.
- классJsonDataWriterSettings Provides methods and properties for the JsonDataWriter settings.
- классLocalizableImage Provides methods of working with localizable image.
- классLocalizableString Provides methods of working with localizable string.
- классLocalizableStringConverter Provides methods for conversion of the LocalizableString type into other types and vice versa.
- классLocalizableValue The base class for the localizable value.
- классLocalizableValue<T> The template for localizable values of different types that represents its method.
- классLocalizableValueCollection Provides methods of working with the collection of localizable values.
- классMetaPathNullOrEmptyException The exception that is thrown when the objects of the System.String type that represent path to metadata are empty or null objects.
- классMismatchItemsCountException The exception that is thrown on the mismatch of the number of items in the collection.
- классNameChangeEventArgs Base class for the status data of the name changing event.
- классNullOrEmptyException The exception that is thrown when the objects of the System.String type are empty or null objects.
- классObjectIsReadOnlyException The exception that is thrown when you try to change the value of read-only objects.
- классReflectionUtilities Provides methods for working with information about classes and types during execution.
- классResourceBuilder Provides methods for building resources.
- классResourceGroup Provides methods of working with resource group.
- классResourceGroupCollection Provides methods of working with collection of groups.
- классResourceItem The base class for the resource element presentation.
- классResourceItemCollection Provides methods of working with collection of resource elements.
- классResourceManagerCollection Represents methods of working with collection of resource managers.
- классResourcePackage Provides methods of working with resource pack.
- классSourceControlLockException The exception that is thrown when an item is locked in the version control system.
- классSourceControlSecurityException The exception that is thrown upon securoty error when working with the version control system.
- классStreamUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the streams.
- классStringUtilities Provides methods of working with strings.
- классStringWriterWithEncoding Implements System.IO.StringWriter for writing data to string while taking the encoding into account.
- классSvnHookException  
- классTopologicalSorterLoopsException<T> Class (generalized) of the exception for passing information on dependency cycle between the items of the list.
- классUnsupportedTypeException The exception that is thrown when an unsupported type is encountered.
- классUriUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the unified resource identifiers (URI).
- классValidateUtilities  
- классWebMethodInfo  
- классWebMethodInfoCollection  
- классWebMethodParameterInfo  
- классWebServiceInfo  
- классWebServiceUtilities  
- классXmlDataReader Provides methods for reading data in the XML format.
- классXmlDataWriter Represents methods for sequential writing of data in the XML format.
- классXmlDataWriterSettings Provides settings for the class XmlDataWriter
- классXmlResourceReader Provides methods for reading the metadata of resources in the XML format.
- классXmlResourceWriter Provides methods for writing the metadata of resources into XML format.


- перечислениеAggregationType The type of aggregate function (can have None value).
- перечислениеAggregationTypeStrict The type of aggregate function (cannot have None value).
- перечислениеArithmeticOperation Arithmetic operation.
- перечислениеBitwiseOperation Bitwise operation.
- перечислениеDateTimeValueKind Date and time.
- перечислениеLogicalOperation Logical operation.
- перечислениеLogicalOperationStrict Logical operation (cannot have None value).
- перечислениеMessageType The type of message.
- перечислениеOrderDirection Sorting order (can have None value).
- перечислениеOrderDirectionStrict Sorting order (cannot have None value).
- перечислениеParameterDirection The modifier of the parameter. Determines the direction of the parameter value transfer.
- перечислениеResourceItemType The type of resource.
- перечислениеSessionEndMethod Method for closing user session.
- перечислениеSourceControlSaveType Type of commit operation to the version control repository.

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