Creatio development guide
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ISchemaManager - члены Смотри также  Cвойства  Методы  События Terrasoft.Core - пространство имен : ISchemaManager - интерфейс Включить унаследованные члены Включить защищенные члены

Glossary Item Box

Тип ISchemaManager предоставляет следующие члены.


 - свойствоAppConnectionSystem connection.  
 - свойствоCompileDependencies  
 - свойствоItemCaptionCaption of the schema manager item.  
 - свойствоItemNameName of the schema manager item.  
 - свойствоResourceManagerNameName of a resource manager.  


 - методActualizeItemDescriptorActualizes the descriptor of the schema manager item.  
 - методAddSchemaAdds the schema with the specified parameters to the schema manager.  
 - методCreateSchemaПерегружен.   
 - методDesignItem  
 - методDesignItemInCustomPackage  
 - методDesignSchema  
 - методFillSourceCollectionLoads the source code of the specified schema to the passed-in collection.  
 - методFindDesignItemSearches for the designed manager item with the specified identifier.  
 - методGenerateItemUniqueNameGenerates the unique name of the manager item, using the specified prefix.  
 - методGenerateSchemaSources  
 - методGetDefSchemaUIdGets the identifier of the schema from which all base schemas of the schema manager derive.  
 - методGetDesignItemGets the designed item with the specified identifier. If no such item is found, an exception is thrown.  
 - методGetItemFromMetaDataПерегружен.   
 - методGetItemIdByUId  
 - методGetProcessSchemaGeneratorReturns the source code generator for schemas of all processes.  
 - методGetReadableSchemaMetaDataПерегружен.   
 - методGetSchemaMetaDataGets metadata of the schema with the specified identifier.  
 - методGetSchemaSourcesGets the source code of the schema with the specified identifier.  
 - методInitializeInitializes the schema manager, using the specified provider and the information from the configuration file.  
 - методInitializeItemInitializes the manager item with the specified identifier.  
 - методInitializeSchemaCreates the schema instance for the type specified in the passed-in manager item. If the type of the schema of the manager item is not found, an exception is thrown.  
 - методRefreshItems  
 - методRemoveItemByUIdRemoves the item with the specified identifier from the current schema manager.  
 - методRemoveSchemaRemoves the schema with the specified identifier from the schema manager.  
 - методSaveDesignedItemFolderIdInSessionDataSaves the passed-in identifier of the catalog which contains the designed item schema with the specified identifier to the session data.  
 - методSaveDesignedItemIdInSessionData  
 - методSaveDesignedItemInSessionDataSerializes and saves the instance of the designed item with the specified identifier to the session data.  
 - методSaveDesignedItemPackageUIdInSessionData  
 - методSaveSchemaMetaData  
 - методSaveSchemaSourcesSaves the source code from the passed-in collection.  
 - методTryGenerateSchemaSources  


 - событиеChanged  
 - событиеItemAddedEvent that occurs after adding an item to the manager.  
 - событиеItemAddingEvent that occurs before adding an item to the manager.  
 - событиеItemRemovedEvent that occurs after removing an item from the manager.  
 - событиеItemRemovingEvent that occurs before removing an item from the manager.  
 - событиеItemSavedEvent that occurs after saving an item.  
 - событиеItemSavingEvent that occurs before saving an item.  

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